Caustic Soda Lye (NaOH / Sodium hydroxide)
Caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) is a chlor-alkali derivative. It is mainly used to manufacture pulp and paper, alumina, soap and detergents, petroleum product and other chemicals.
It is also used in water treatment, food, textiles, metal processing, mining and glass making processes.
NCP Chlorchem manufactures only top quality caustic soda lye (sodium hydroxide) to meet the high requirements of our customers.
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See Product Information Below
Minimum concentration of 47% NaOH
Caustic soda lye is produced using membrane technology. The addition of caustic soda to liquid will cause a rise in temperature. If caustic soda becomes concentrated in one area, or is added too rapidly, or is added to hot or cold liquid, a rapid temperature increase can result in dangerous mists or boiling and spattering, which may cause an immediate violent eruption.
- Acid neutralisation
- Manufacture of sodium salts
- Petroleum refining
- Rayon manufacture
- Rubber reclamation
- Manufacture of plastics
- Manufacture of soaps and detergents
- Pulp and paper industry
- Dyes and pharmaceutical industries
- Aluminium processing
Criteria | Specification |
Sodium hydroxide as NaOH | 47% m/m min |
SG at 20oC | 1,5 min |
Chloride as Cl- | 0,03% m/m max |
Iron as Fe | 0,001% m/m max |
Sulphates | 0,01% m/m max |
Carbonates | 0,2% m/m max |
Maximum allowable concentration 2 mg/m3.
Caustic soda lye is stable up to 142ÂșC. Generates heat in contact with acids (please also refer to Material Safety Data Sheet).
- Bulk road tankers (10 / 20/ 30 ton deliveries)
The thinking behind the price being converted to 100% available NaOH (Sodium Hydroxide) rather than retaining it as the delivery min 47% available NaOH is to assist the customer in paying only for the active ingredient, rather than for water. The exact concentration will always be recorded on the delivery document together with the weighbridge certificate indicating the amount of product delivered as 47% NaOH.Formula:
Quantity delivered x Percentage recorded on delivery document
= Quantity delivered as 100% NaOH.Example:
20,136 tons of 47% caustic soda lye delivered
47,5% = exact concentration of caustic soda lye delivered
= 20,136 x 47,5%
= 9,56 tons of NaOH as 100% that will appear on invoice.Price:
Contract Price x 9,56 tons = Invoiced Price.